Selling your home can be a stressful and emotionally draining endeavor that does more harm than good. �Why is selling your home not the best option?
Buying a new home or moving into a new apartment can be very fun-picking out new curtains, arranging your furniture in the best layout, and enjoying the space that you�re in. However, selling your home can be a stressful and emotionally draining endeavor that does more harm than good. Many home sellers would trade just about anything to avoid the process. Why is selling your home not the best option?
It�s Incredibly Expensive
Selling your home doesn�t just mean potentially taking a hit on the amount you paid for the home, it also means forking over countless fees to your real estate agent, the state and county you live in, and the broker for the transaction. Most people think they�ll be profiting off of the sale of their property, but in reality, most homeowners spend almost all of their �profits� paying various fees and expenses throughout the process.
It�s A Headache
Selling your home typically involves a detailed walkthrough with a real estate agent, who will make many notes of what issues are present in your home, how you should fix them, and costs for the repairs to be made. Everything from the dripping faucet in the kitchen to the slightly scuffed paint by your stairs will deduct money from your home�s value when putting it on the market if you choose to not have them repaired. Skip the headache of selling your home if you don�t want to deal with an endless �honey do� list from your realtor!
It�s Emotionally Draining
Above everything else, selling your home is incredibly emotionally draining. You will endure many people walking through your home and pointing out errors with it, why they don�t like the choices that you made, and highlighting problems. It can be very humiliating and upsetting to listen to someone insult the things that you worked hard to choose or design, and skipping over the process altogether is typically much more appealing.
Skip Selling Your Home with The Team Edge
If you are preparing to put your home on the market, call The Team Edge first. We are dedicated to buying your property, how it is now, whenever you need to sell it. Instead of dealing with picky buyers and a slow market, get rid of it now. Call our 24/7 hotline at 443-840-7100 or fill out our online questionnaire to get the process started. For more tips and articles, follow us on social media at Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google+.