There�s a rumor going around the housing market that says summer is a bad time to start selling your home. �The reality is, this simply isn�t true! �There are plenty of reasons to start selling your home in the summer. �And, not to mention, The Team Edge is here to buy from you. �You already know that we�ll buy your home fast, and for the fairest price around. �But why should you sell during the summer, when everyone tells you not to? �Here are some great reasons that may convince you.
- School is starting.
School starting is actually a prime reason people move into their homes during the summer. �There�s a pretty good reason for this–no one wants to move their kids during a school year. �It requires class changes, friend changes, and social circles they�ll need to be thrust into after they�ve already been formed. �Moving when children are involved almost always happens during the summer, when families can relocate and settle in before the rush of school begins. �
- Waiting until the holidays can be detrimental.
Your goal is to sell fast. �During the holidays and winter months, people are spending time with their families and want nothing to do with relocating themselves. �Plus, when it�s chilly outside, you can�t present your house in the best light; plants and trees are dead, snow is everywhere, and your yard is brown. �Not a good look.
- You WILL be able to sell.
Sure, people are always buying homes–at the right price, someone is bound to buy your property eventually. �But when you work with The Team Edge, you can get that done fast. �We�ll buy your home as soon as we can, at the fairest price we can offer you. �We don�t shy away from anything. �It doesn�t matter if your home is foreclosed, in disrepair, or if its lack of presentation is causing it to fall behind on the market. �We�ve got the solution. If you�re looking to sell your house this summer before the school year begins, we can help you.
If you need to sell your home, call The Team Edge today!
The Team Edge will buy your property regardless of its current condition and curb appeal, and is dedicated to providing you with the best possible selling experience and a fast, fair offer. Call our 24/7 hotline today at 443-840-7100 or fill out our quick and easy online application to get started on selling your Maryland property immediately. That�s right. Sell your house fast � AS IS!
Call or contact us online to experience The Team Edge Difference today. You can also follow us on our blog, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Google+.
Tags: summer