A professional exterior paint job will revitalize up the outside of the home and help to hide its age.
A fresh exterior paint job is one of the best projects you can take on to improve the value of your home. Painting your house is an affordable way to spice up your home and improve its curb appeal without breaking the bank.
When to Paint
While Summer is often considered the ideal time for painting a house�s exterior due to warm temperatures and scarce rain, early Fall weather offers more than enough days that are warm enough to work with exterior paint. Be aware of that paint manufacturers recommend a minimum outside temperature for painting, and that temperature fluctuations can cause coats of paint to dry more slowly.
What to Look Out For
When selecting your house�s new colors, think about your house�s surroundings. The color of your roof, driveway and chimney should play a role in determining your color choices, as they will not be painted. The landscaping around your house is another important factor. You want to select colors that will complement the changing colors throughout the seasons. You may also want to consider choosing a color scheme that is compatible with the other houses in the neighborhood. Whites and light, tinted neutrals will make a home feel more open and welcoming.
How it Benefits You
A new paint job can help older struggling homes look young and exciting again. A professional exterior paint job will revitalize up the outside of the home and help to hide its age. Additionally, a fresh coat of paint or sealer on any surface that potentially will be covered with snow, such as wood floors or stairs, will help prolong the life of your siding, trim, and other surfaces.
Ready to sell your house fast as-is with the Team Edge?
If you need to sell any type of property in Maryland, call The Team Edge.� At The Team Edge, we�re dedicated to providing you with the best possible home-selling experience in the fine state of Maryland. Call our 24/7 hotline today at�443-840-7100�or fill out our quick and easy�online application�to get started on selling your Maryland estate property immediately. No matter the state of the estate, The Team Edge is here with a fair price and fast service. That�s right. Sell your house quick, as-is with the Team Edge!
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