It�s possible that an extra bedroom could help boost the resale value of your home, but it�s also entirely possible that it will only push away potential buyers.
You may think that, if your house is larger, that means it�s going to give you more return. �This isn�t always the case, and often times, value is influenced by multiple external factors. �It�s possible that an extra bedroom could help boost the resale value of your home, but it�s also entirely possible that it will only push away potential buyers. �You need to consider this when you think about adding an addition to your home, or when you�re ready to list. �To decide if an extra bedroom will help boost your resale value, read on.
Outside Factors That Affect Value
First of all, an extra bedroom adding value depends a lot on where and how the home is situated. �If your home is in a neighborhood made almost entirely of three bedroom houses, a fourth or fifth room sold at a higher price probably won�t sell well. �There�s a high demand for three bedroom houses, especially when located in middle class neighborhoods. �You also need to consider the people who rent or buy in your neighborhood. �If you plan to rent to, say, college students, a four bedroom home with a slight rent increase is going to be a major draw. �But, in general, families don�t go for four bedrooms unless necessary.
How You Can Add a Bedroom
The most obvious answer is building a home addition, but that may not always be possible for you. �Not only because of cost, but also aesthetics. �It�s also possible to add an extra bedroom with some simple home renovations. �As long as you have another place to eat, it�s popular to transform the formal dining room into another bedroom. �Not a lot of families actually use it, and it turns into an extra and unneeded space. �With a little home renovation, you can add value. �You can look for any room with a double open doorway, and close it off–and this can happen anywhere in the house and be labeled as something entirely different. �A den is a good example. �By closing off this area, and turning it into a bedroom, you�re opening up the possibilities for larger families or student renters.
Ready to sell your home? �The Team Edge can buy yours, fast.
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